5 Reasons Why You Should Own a Cat

5 Reasons Why You Should Own a Cat

Owning a pet is an honor and a privilege that many people cherish every day. Raising your first animal is a journey of ups and downs, but it always results in happiness!

If you’re choosing your first pet, cats are easily one of the most desirable options out there for many reasons.

1. Cats are Low Maintenance

You’ll notice that it’s incredibly easy to maintain a cat once you’ve trained them properly. Meal times, potty areas, sleeping routines, and all the other training habits are relatively easy compared to other pets. Not only that, but cats don’t really need much more than some toys to play with and a whole lot of love to keep them happy.

2. Cats Help Reduce Stress

Getting a cat is a quick way to reduce loads of stress from your life. Knowing that there’s a sweet, fluffy cat at home waiting to make you happy is an unparalleled feeling. Not only that, but it’s been scientifically proven that your body produces more serotonin and reduces blood pressure the more you interact with cats. Let’s not act surprised though, who wouldn’t be happy holding a kitten?

3. Keep Your Home Rodent-Free

It’s no secret that cats love chasing rodents. They’re small, they look like a toy, and cats naturally prey on rodents in the wild. Our feline friends’ natural instincts push them to chase rats and mice in a playful yet predatory manner. This habit results in your home becoming rodent-free, which is just one of the many different benefits of owning a cat.

4. They Provide Daily Entertainment

Watching a cat chase a yarn ball, run after a laser pointer, or randomly dart throughout the house is a cause for a good laugh. Cats are definitely not done with their primitive ways, but they’re certainly open to endless hours of play.

Everyone’s seen their fair share of cat videos on the internet, but having it all go down in front of you right before your eyes is entertaining on multiple levels! The joy, curiosity, loyalty, and plain silliness of cats is something that we should all experience as much as possible.

5. Cats Keep You from Being Lonely

There’s nothing quite like spending a day with a cat. While they’re low maintenance, they also provide endless company if you so desire. If you’re willing to let them, almost any cat would love to snuggle up in bed at the end of the day. They’ll watch movies with you, walk around the house with you, and pretty much hang out with you during any activity that you’ll allow them to! Cats are some of the best companions in life.

About the Author:

Chris Carpenter is the author of the book, Vet Set Go!, which aims to help teach tweens and teens how to become a veterinary volunteer. As a licensed vet himself, Dr. Carpenter hopes his knowledge and passion for animals can help aspiring vets succeed in the industry.