Baby Kitten Found Hiding Underneath A Home Was Born With Two Sets Of Ears

Baby Kitten Found Hiding Underneath A Home Was Born With Two Sets Of Ears

Rescuers come across so many different animals in all shapes and sizes. And yet, one kitten that they found hiding underneath a home surprised them. This cat has some very unique genetic malformities. The most interesting one was the fact that the cat had been born with two sets of ears.

A woman took the kitten in to foster it and fell in love with the kitten. She named him Franken Kitten or Franky for short. There is so little research on kittens born with these deformities. Add to that, the cat had to have an eye removed and had stitches all the way down his face.

Watch the video to see what happens to this very special and unique kitten.

Franky was lucky to find such caring and loving care givers and a home.