Outfit Of The Day Takes A New Turn With Cats Wearing Tights

Outfit Of The Day Takes A New Turn With Cats Wearing Tights

The outfit of the day has become a popular way for fashionistas to share their best looks with their loyal followers. Now, one woman who had some old tights and time on her hands has found a new way to feature these outfit of the day posts. She dresses up her cats in the old tights and posts the photos each day of what her cats look like all dressed up.

The great part is, the money that she raises as part of this whole thing is going to charity. Plus, her cat’s name is Gucci, which makes it even more appropriate. Now, there are many copycats who post photos of their own cats wearing tights.

Watch the video to see how cute cats actually are when wearing tights.

What a creative and fun way to use old tights!