Sterling The Dog Convinces His Mom To Adopt A Kitten For Him

Sterling The Dog Convinces His Mom To Adopt A Kitten For Him

Sterling the dog had a troubled past. He was a rambunctious puppy who got a home that he loved. He was adopted at four weeks old and his owner had been so patient with him. He loved his human mom immensely for all that she had done for him. His mom simply loved taking care of animals.

So when his mom found a tiny deserted kitten at a McDonald’s restaurant one day, she knew she had to care for it. So she brought the kitten home, unsure of how Sterling would do around the kitten. They named the foster kitten Lux and were amazed at how Sterling took to the kitty.

Watch the video to see how the dog convinces his human mom to adopt the foster kitten permanently.

It’s adorable how animals can become best friends.