Tiny Kitten Gets A Sweet Home With Truly Loving And Caring Owners

Tiny Kitten Gets A Sweet Home With Truly Loving And Caring Owners

When a woman saw this teeny tiny kitten, she wasn’t sure if she had what it took to care for an animal that would need so much care. But with time, she fell in love with the itty bitty kitty. The couple who took in this tiny kitten had never seen a kitten so small. You could see the cat’s ribcage when she breathed.

The kitten needed round-the-clock care, so they had to take the kitten with them everywhere. They had a basket that had heating blankets and stuffed animals inside to keep the small kitten warm and safe when they had to go places.

Watch the video to learn more about this tiny kitten and see footage of her first days.

What a sweet little kitten.